PDF OCR Nepali - Nepali PDF OCR - free Nepali OCR - online Nepali OCR

PDF OCR Nepali

Convert Nepali scanned pdf document to text using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

  • 100+ Recognition Languages
  • Multi Column Document Analysis
  • 100% FREE, Unlimited Uploads, No RegistrationRead More ...

Step 1 Select Language

Step 2

Select OCR Engine

Select Layout

Select PDF

Select PDFChange

Step 3 PDF to Images

Select Checkbox
Extracting Images, Please Wait...
Extract Page Text, Please Wait


OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition, which is a technology to recognize text from images of scanned documents and photos. PDF stands for (Portable Document Format), where the document layout looks the same despite the underlying operating system or hardware used to view the document. PDF document can contain text, images, hyperlinks, embedded fonts, videos, forms, and many more. There are 3 types of PDF documents:
Editable PDF: The PDF is created digitally by any software such as MSWord and consists of text and images, where you can search, select, and edit the document in easily using any PDF reader.
Scanned PDF: The PDF consists of images created by either scanning a hard document using a scanning device or an image (jpg, png, tiff) captured by an imaging device such as a mobile or digital camera. You can not search, select, nor edit the document text unless you use an OCR service such as i2OCR.
Searchable PDF: The PDF consists of an image layer of a scanned document and a text layer under it as a result of an OCR service (such as i2OCR) applied to the image layer. You can search, select, and edit the document. This type of PDF is usually called PDF/A, where "A" stands for archiving.
i2OCR converts PDF to text in 2 steps: first, it converts PDF into images, then recognize text of the selected image.

Supported OCR Languages

Afrikaans ocrAkkadian ocrAlbanian ocrAmharic ocrArabic ocrArmenian ocrAssamese ocrAzerbaijani Cyrilic ocrAzerbaijani ocrBasque ocrBelarusian ocrBengali ocrBosnian ocrBreton ocrBulgarian ocrBurmese ocrCatalan ocrCebuano ocrCherokee ocrChinese Simplified ocrChinese Traditional ocrCorsican ocrCroatian ocrCzech ocrDanish ocrDutch ocrDzongkha ocrEnglish Ancient ocrEnglish ocrEsperanto ocrEstonian ocrFaroese ocrFilipino Tagalog ocrFinnish ocrFrankish ocrFrench Middle ocrFrench ocrGalician ocrGeorgian Ancient ocrGeorgian ocrGerman Fraktur ocrGerman ocrAncient Greek ocrGreek Modern ocrGujarati ocrHaitian ocrHebrew ocrHindi ocrHungarian ocrIcelandic ocrIndonesian ocrInuktitut ocrIrish ocrItalian Ancient ocrItalian ocrJapanese ocrJavanese ocrKannada ocrKazakh ocrKhmer ocrKirghiz ocrKorean Vertical ocrKorean ocrKurdish Kurmanji ocrKurdish Sorani 2 ocrKurdish Sorani ocrLao ocrLatin ocrLatvian ocrLithuanian ocrLuxembourgish ocrMacedonian ocrMalay ocrMalayalam ocrMaltese ocrMaori ocrMarathi ocrMath Equation ocrMeitei ocrMoldavian ocrMongolian ocrNepali ocrNorwegian ocrOccitan ocrOriya ocrPanjabi ocrPushto ocrPersian ocrPolish ocrPolytonic Greek ocrPortuguese ocrPushto ocrQuechua ocrRomanian ocrRussian ocrSanskrit ocrSantali ocrScottish Gaelic ocrSerbian Latin ocrSerbian ocrSindhi ocrSinhala ocrSlovakian ocrSlovenian ocrSpanish Ancient ocrSpanish ocrSundanese ocrSwahili ocrSwedish ocrSyriac ocrTagalog ocrTajik ocrTamil ocrTatar ocrTelugu ocrThai ocrTibetan ocrTigrinya ocrTonga ocrTurkish ocrUighur ocrUkrainian ocrUrdu ocrUzbek Cyrilic ocrUzbek ocrVietnamese ocrWelsh ocrWestern Frisian ocrYiddish ocrYoruba ocr